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이벤트 로그 / 응용프로그램 부분에서 오류 로그가 급증하여서 점검 진행

EvntAgnt Warning: 3006

이벤트 로그 서비스 재시작을 하려고 하였으나, 접근 거부 (서버 OS : Windows 2008 R2)

구글링을 통해 오류 코드 확인

Application Log Filling with EventId 3006 from source EvntAgnt

Issue: We were seeing high processor utilization on a Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 domain controller. Various processes were reporting high cpu usage including the MOM agent. The application event log was filling with a warning for event id 3006 from the source EvntAgnt. Clearing the application event log showed that these were appearing at a rate of about 600 per second.

Resolution: Restart of the SNMP Service on the system resolved the issue with no additional event id 3006 records being created from the EvntAgnt source.

출처 : http://blogs.catapultsystems.com/cfuller/archive/2008/12/30/application-log-filling-with-eventid-3006-from-source-evntagnt/

SNMP 서비스 재시작 했더니, 오류 발생 멈춤.